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Communitas Choir is branching out to Harrogate.

On 3rd October Emerging Voices took part in Two Ridings High Sheriff’s Dragons’ Den at Rudding Park Hotel. Communitas member Paul Mountain and trustees Laurie Farnell and Lucy Coleman did a 5 minute pitch to the ‘Dragons’ (who were very nice!) alongside 5 other charities to gain funding. It was a nerve wracking and fantastic event. All of the charities who took part gained access to vital funding due to the generous donations of the six ‘Dragons’ and audience members. It was a great surprise to be awarded one of the highest amounts! The money raised will go towards starting a Communitas choir in Harrogate.

Communitas choir in York has been running for 10 years now and is supported by Converge and Emerging Voices. It is an accessible, flexible and socially inclusive community choir with 40 plus members and a lifeline of support outside of NHS mental health services. We are looking forward to starting this new branch of Communitas and the two choirs working together in the new future.

A big thank you to Two Ridings for such a wonderful opportunity and Communitas choir in York.