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Christmas Single Coming Soon

Music production students from York St John University have collaborated with Converge and Emerging Voices to create a cover of 12 Days of Christmas! The cover features musicians and vocalists from YSJU,
Converge Students and the New York Brass Band.

12 Days of Christmas by YSJ Christmas Collective will be released on 18th December under Converge Records. It will be available to purchase on Bandcamp and the Emerging Voices Website. We will also be releasing a lyric music video showcasing the holiday spirt of York, available to view on YouTube during Christmas week.

Thank you to everyone
involved in making this single and kindly donating the proceeds to us! The
proceeds will go towards Converge Records, which Emerging Voices supports, to enable more of our talented musicians to record and release their work through the label.

Special thanks to YSJU lecturers David Young for directing the project and Russ Hepworth for mixing and mastering 12 Days of Christmas.